The magical, soothing properties of the sea; New product inspiration

I always loved being near a beach. The rushing waves just makes me calm and reassure me. All the glorious noise, smell and the wind helps me focus on the here and now.

I wish I had the chance to grow up in a place like this; We've visited Cornwall this time when my Mom came to see me last year and we enjoyed every minute!

Even the drive to this beautiful destination was fun! Do you just look out the window and think? Fall into deep thoughts? -of course only if you are not the one who's driving.

My mom was amazed, the houses, artchitecture and scienery is differnt than to my home country; Hungary. We don't have a beaches, the country in landlocked. Maybe that's the reason but I found this place truly magical.

Imagery from Tintagel, Cornwall

Don't you just love these colours?

Shades and tones of blue, green and neutrals (and, even light pink and purple colours) colours supposed to have soothing properties, they are very calming. Blues are especially known to have a relaxing effect for creating a serene feeling, colour is a form of non verbal communication. It is not a static energy and its meaning can change from one day to the next with any individual - it all depends on what energy they are expressing at that point in time.

Green is the color of balance and growth.

Green promotes a love of nature, and a love of family, friends, pets and the home. It is the color of the garden lover, the home lover and the good host.

It is generous and loves to share, but it also looks for recognition. It is friendly and can keep confidences.

This color relates to stability and endurance, giving us persistence and the strength to cope with adversity.

Green is the color of prosperity and abundance, of finance and material wealth. It relates to the business world, to real estate and property. Prosperity gives a feeling of safety to green.

Green's keywords include: growth and vitality, renewal and restoration, self-reliance, reliability and dependability, being tactful, emotionally balanced and calm, nature lover and family oriented, practical and down to earth, sympathetic, compassionate and nurturing, generous, kind and loyal with a high moral sense, adaptable, encourages 'social joining' of clubs and other groups, a need to belong.

Blue is the color of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity as well as conservatism and frigidity.

The color blue is idealistic, enhancing self-expression and our ability to communicate our needs and wants and it inspires higher ideals.

Blue's wisdom comes from its higher level of intelligence, a spiritual perspective.

Blue is the color of the spirit, devotion and religious study. It enhances contemplation and prayer. On the other hand, blue's devotion can be to any cause or concept it believes in, including devotion to family or work.

Blue is conservative and predictable, a safe and non-threatening color, and the most universally liked color of all, probably because it is safe and non-threatening. At the same time blue is persistent and determined to succeed in whichever endeavors it pursues.

Blue's keywords include: loyalty, trust and integrity, tactful, reliability and responsibility, conservatism and perseverance, caring and concern, idealistic and orderly, authority, devotion and contemplation, peaceful and calm.

Personally, certain shades of green and blue remind me of the sea and how it makes me feel, therefore I can instantly feel it's calming effect.

I'm developing some new products in the Gifts range including new colours for our existing products; Soothing Lavender Eye Pillows and Lavender Bags.

These images taken on my wonderful journey provided me with so much inspiration, that I'll use my new found colours for the new products. Can't wait to show you! I'm sure I'll share some 'sneak peak' images of the making process soon!

Our lavender products are designed to provide you with additional relaxation and mindefulness, especially in these troubled times; I use mine every day now, just love the smell of this organic French Lavender and its calming effects. Our new product will be designed to bring you joy when using it and of course I'll be using ethically sourced and sustainable Merino Lambswool just like on my other products to ensure quality and create products that can be cherished for years to come.

I'm still in the process of ordering new yarn and sampling but I do like the current colour selection.

What do you think?

PS; Yes, the bow will be a feature on the new products!

I'll share more information and progress about the new colours and products in due course on Instagram, you can follow me here.

Until next time,

Stay safe

Szilvia X

Szilvia Burrows

Luxurious knitted gifts, homeware and winter accessories for people who love colour, using the highest quality, ethically sourced Merino Lambswool to provide softness and comfort. Every piece is designed and created on a hand operated vintage knitting machine by Szilvia in her home studio.

Design process: The Venice Collection


The most personal collection yet